Places to visit in Shekhawati:
We have listed below the main places to visit in Shekhawati circuit of Rajasthan. These are the hot tourist destinations of Shekhawati. The list is not in any specific order, so all the places are equally interesting in one or other aspect.
- Mandawa
- FatehpurShekhawati
- Alsisar
- Bagar
- Bissau
- Chirawa
- Dundlod
- Jhunjhunu
- Khandela
- Khetri
- Mahansar
- Mukundgarh
- Nawalgarh
- RamgarhShekhawati
- Sikar
- Churu
I am looking for a 8/9 days tour to Shekhawati region trip for 2 people. All 5 star accommodation
Please call me at 98XXXXXX77
Hi, We do not have any suggestions at the moment. You can check with Hotels and tour operators.